Tweening cut up bitmaps

Hello, I’m trying to cut up a bitmap image into pieces, and then tween each piece away sequentially. Cutting up the pieces and placing those pieces in an array is where I’m at. But to tween each piece on a timer is where I’m stuck; here’s the code:

import flash.display.;
import flash.geom.*;

import flash.utils.*;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import com.greensock.plugins.*;
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;

public class bitmapManipulation extends MovieClip

public var bitmapsArray:Array;

    public function bitmapManipulation ()
        loadBitmap ("hurricanebmw.jpg");

    // get the bitmap from an external source
    public function loadBitmap (bitmapFile:String)
        var loader:Loader = new Loader();
        loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, loadingDone);
        var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(bitmapFile);
        loader.load (request);

    private function loadingDone (event:Event):void
        // get loaded data
        var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(;

        // compute the width and height of each piece
        var pieceWidth:Number = image.width / 6;
        var pieceHeight:Number = image.height / 4;

        // loop through all pieces
        for (var x:uint=0; x<6; x++)
            for (var y:uint=0; y<4; y++)

                // create new piece bitmap
                var newBitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(pieceWidth,pieceHeight));
                newBitmap.bitmapData.copyPixels (image.bitmapData,new Rectangle(x*pieceWidth,y*pieceHeight,pieceWidth,pieceHeight),new Point(0,0));

                // create new sprite and add bitmap data to it;
                var newPiece:Sprite = new Sprite();
                newPiece.addChild (newBitmap);

                // add to stage;
                addChild (newPiece);

                // set location
                newPiece.x = x*(pieceWidth+5)+20;
                newPiece.y = y*(pieceHeight+5)+20;


bitmapsArray.push (newBitmap);

/*THIS IS WHERE I’M STUCK. I’m trying to learn how to cut up an image and then move each piece sequentially. I tried the code below but Im gettings errors
var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000);

timer.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer);
timer.start ();

        function onTimer (evt:TimerEvent):void
            for (var b:uint = 0; b<bitmapsArray.length; b++)
       (bitmapsArray[b+1], 1, {x:1300});




Thanks a million for any direction.