Tweening/Morphing Text? Please :)

Hi there,

I’ve tried the tutorial found HERE and got it to work in Flash 5.

The tutorial reads this :

Shape Tweening: How to Make ONE Morph into TWENTY in Flash
Demonstrates how to use shape tweening to make a typographic morph in Flash (Windows). Also shows converting a text object into a graphical one for use with the morph feature.

This Flash tutorial and others can be found HERE , second one down. In case the link above doesn’t work.

My problem is, i’ve tried it in Flash MX and it won’t work.

Can anyone please tell us how to achieve the same effect in Flash MX, am I missing something silly?

Thanks in advance,

Ah it’s OK,

Managed to figure it out :).


Howdy… :slight_smile:

Um… Something like this???

Cyanblue… from Welcome :slight_smile:

Yup… Thank you for the warm welcome… :slight_smile:


:love: :love: :wink:

:beam: :love:

Hehe… Glad to see you again… :slight_smile: