Hey guys!
This is my first post here, I’m new to AS and programming in general, so I apologize in advance if what I’m saying doesn’t make complete sense, but I’m looking for an idea of how to accomplish what I want to accomplish
Right now I’m working on a website that has movie clips that I want to tween back and forth across the stage when a button is pressed.
Here’s the idea:
When 2_btn is pressed, I want 1_mc, 2_mc, and 3_mc to move from right to left and then stop when 2_mc is positioned on the stage, stop moving and play
Then if 3_btn is pressed I want all three to be animated from right to left until 3_mc is positioned on the stage, stop moving and play
Then if 1_btn is pressed I want all three to move from right to left until 1_mc is positioned on the stage, then stop moving and play
Basically I have no idea how to accomplish this, or how to word it into Google.
What I have right now, which obviously isn’t accomplishing what I want is:
Tween from left to right across the timeline, and then using a gotoAndPlay, and then stop(); on the frame.
Thank you SO MUCH in advance anyone who can give me a push in the right direction.