TweenMax makes me happy, .36, { z: "-600", y:"200", rotationX:"-30", x:"-25", ease:Back.easeOut, easeParams: [0.9], delay:0.25, bezierThrough:[ { y:"230", rotationX:"-75" } ] } );

:beam: :lol:

adds like 11k too. ugh. :stuck_out_tongue:

Still pretty reasonable in size compared to Tweener, and the performance is great.

Yeah, TweenMax is nice. I was playing around with it and came up with this splash page.

So what else pleases you?

^you shouldn’t have asked.

oh trust me I know. I’ve used tweenlite on multiple occasions. Last time was when I was doing banners for nintendo and they had a whole plethora of content they wanted into 30k… tweenlite was just too big so I literally had to make a copy of your class (which is awesome, by the way) and cut out all functions and classes that had no relevance to the 2 methods I was using. Think it came down to 1.95kb which is quite respectable for a (albeit modded) tween engine.

All in all I love your stuff and I use it on a daily basis, don’t get me wrong buddy; )

should I switch from Tweener over to TweenMax ?
the performance tests are quite impressive

For me, it doesn’t get simpler than this;

Before CS3, I was using mc_tween2. When CS3 and Tweener came, I switched to Tweener, but I used tweenLight for banner work.

Now, I use tweenlight and tweenmax for performance purposes.

Well ive been waiting for Fuse to come out in AS3 til I actually made the switch, but maybe Ill just hop the tweenmax train…looks similar.

thing about tweener, the syntax is really pretty good in my opinion, but tween max syntax is quite good too, so maybe the performance benefit is enough to justify switching from one to another

[quote=Dom_;2333800]should I switch from Tweener over to TweenMax ?
the performance tests are quite impressive[/quote]

I switched from Tweener to TweenLite/Max, and I think it was a great decision. It’s lighter, performs better, and the syntax is very similar, so there’s no learning curve to speak of. :thumb:

One of these days I’ll finish my Gyro tween classes :bad:

Hey Senocular, who do I have to email to get TweenLite included as the default tweening engine in CS4? I’m tired of explaining to my coworkers that the default Tween class is to be avoided. :lol:

I don’t think there’s anyone in the world you could email to make that happen :trout:

You can’t really replace the existing tween classes. They’re required to support legacy content.

It’s possible that maybe some day there will be new classes to supersede these classes, but that’s not happening anytime soon - especially given all the 3rd part options currently available. The community pulled through so we don’t have to :beam:

Looks like tweenmax is a lot faster than fuse. I know importing the fuse class it adds 26kb right off the bat. I think I am def. going to look into using tweenmax. I have goASAP but I dont really understand it. Im going to begin coding with tweenmax now i think

[QUOTE=greensock;2333855]I’m pretty sure Moses Gunesch (creator of Fuse) said that Fuse will NOT be ported to AS3. Instead, he has started the GoASAP project… If you’re waiting for the AS3 version of Fuse, it looks like you’ll be waiting a LONG time[/QUOTE]

Originally Moses made it sound like there would be a AS3 Fusekit, but seems NOT.

HydroTween - is about the closest port of FUSE to AS3, it uses GoASAP.

[QUOTE=senocular;2333860]One of these days I’ll finish my Gyro tween classes :bad:[/QUOTE]

Oh, would like to see that :wink:

[QUOTE=mrwicked;2333879]Looks like tweenmax is a lot faster than fuse. I know importing the fuse class it adds 26kb right off the bat. I think I am def. going to look into using tweenmax. I have goASAP but I dont really understand it. Im going to begin coding with tweenmax now i think[/QUOTE]

What would you understand? How should a tweening engine work?

I found it hard to create an API that was easy to use and understand while still be flexible enough to encapsulate all the possible options. It’s a tough job (and I personally am not a fan of all the nested objects and arrays common in a lot of tween definitions).

I’d love to see a Tweening engine create something like MooTools has with their [U]download[/U] page - where you can select the necessary components for the project and it’d include or exclude as needed.