Your favorite tween engine and why

Mine is fusekit because all the features and easy of use. I’ve been using it for 2-3 years and I’m really in love with it.

I really don’t know how it compares to other engines and this is why I created this post.


[QUOTE=Pier25;2322722]Ok I’ll take a look and tell you about it ;)[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Pier25;2334989]Oh BTW TweenLite/Max is great! I’m an [COLOR=“Red”]ex fuse user[/COLOR] since I tried tweenLite on this project two days ago :)[/QUOTE]

:wink: GreenSock will be proud

I’ve been a big fan of tweener, but right now working with tweenlite since a lot of people have said good things about it.

Oh I forgot to update this post! :slight_smile:

Well I have to say I really love your engine!

I’m still in the surface (I’ve used only for 2 days…) but there are some really cool features and IMO it is everything you want a tween engine to be:

  • fast
  • lighweight
  • easy to use
  • really wowable: the ratio between the time used and how many times you have said wow using it (ehem… some spanish joke…)

BTW I really love the from(…) function, it’s really handy IMO. Maybe not so much for hardcore programers, but I’m kind of half designer/coder and do a lot of graphic stuff, so in one moment or another I need to put things on stage manually, and animate using the timeline. This makes my life a lot easier and cool.

I also like the fact that you can tween any numerical parameter from any object, like changing the volume using a bounce easing function. Wow

Good Work Greensock! :beer:

BTW I find your logo really funny :slight_smile:

In the next weeks I’ll test it more intensively and will put more comments on this post.

[QUOTE=greensock;2335120]Thanks for the kind words, Pier25. Well, except for making fun of my logo. (ha ha)

It’s the truth, everytime I see it it makes me smile :slight_smile:

I think it’s great!