
While working on a lil project (a signature file actually) ive noticed my library has been filling up with Tween## graphic symbols.

Im guessing it is doing this because I add a motion tween on a vector graphic instead of converting it to a symbol and then tweening it but I am not sure, if someone could clear this up for me mebbe I could keep my library’s size down :slight_smile:


Whenever you apply a motion tween to any kind of graphic, it has to be a symobl in order to do that so when you went ahead and tweened the graphics before you turned them into a symbol, flash automatically does it for you and names it accordingly.

Well why would it make 4 graphic symbols from on graphic tween tho then? I guess that is what is confusing me.

do you have a bunch of graphics grouped?

Are you highlighting the entire vector graphic when you convert it?

DoH! Nm, just figured out what it was doing, hehe (retraced my steps but kept the library window open so i could see when it added things in there)

I created a few key frames with my graphic then added in a tween between them. For each tween fragment it made them all graphic symbols instead of just using the same graphic symbol.

Thanks for the help!

Thanks… Nice avitar by the way. Final Fantasy owns…

Thanks :slight_smile:
Flash version I made is smaller but, cant use it as an avatar, hehe if your interested :slight_smile:

hehe, To share my sucess story and say thanks again, just reworked my movie from ground up including around 30 tween segments with out making Tween1…Tween30 this time around! heheh
Thanks :slight_smile: