[font=Arial]I am pulling a sentence or string from a XML tag <question> and displaying it on the main time line in a text field, I have an other XML tag <answer> which is just on word and is included in the question tag string, I want to height light that word only in red in the text field leaving the rest of the sentence in black.[/font]
[font=Arial] [/font]
[font=Arial]Does anyone now how to do that in actionscript…[/font]
thanks for tip, tried it and the way I have coded my actionscript XML does allow HTML in my XML,
it creates an error and unfortunately more that one person will be creating the XML files for this game and I could not look over the 100 or so files that will be produced, to make sure is formatted correctly.
I was hoping I could compare the Answer word to the Question string and high light it in red using Actionsript…