MX - Font text color not working

Hi guys,

I created a text box with dynamic text, and I want some words of the text to be colored. However, it doesn’t seem to be working. I have other text boxes where the text is one color, and that works fine, but I can’t get it to work on this case.

I tried embedding all fonts from the character, but got nothing. Is there a step that I’m missing?



You can use something like this:[AS]myText.html = true;
myText.htmlText = “<font color = ‘#336699’>BLUE </font><font color = ‘#990000’>RED</font>”;[/AS]

If you don’t want to use ActionScript, just make sure that Render text as HTML (the little <> button) is checked in the Properties Panel.

I tried that render as HTML, but then the text doesn’t come out as crisp as I want it to…Is there nothing else that I can do?


Ok, so the actionscript worked great. It’s just a pain that it has to be done that way.

Thank you very much :slight_smile:
