Two Possible Layouts

Hey guys, now that summer holiday is here i have had time to sit down and do my layout for my site. The purpose of the site is a review site, i will review software, hardware (well what i can), websites, and games. I really like the first one (the orange one) but i did the second one (grey) just as another choice. Nothing really working yet, just this cause i dont want to spend time on something that might not work. Look for usablilty style everything. I want you to tear this apart, find everyfault, if you dont like it let me know, i wont take offense to any comments, i need this to be the best it can be. Reply with changes and please vote for the better one.


orange one I think, but you need to have a logo or something imo :slight_smile:

nice work :thumb:

yeah go with the orange one and spice up the top a bit… looks good

Orange looks better. I like the simplicity of both designs though.

Also, what font are you using in the top of the orange design?

njs: Tahoma at a 10pt.

xxviii: what do you have in mind?

asphalt: mm a logo, well now that i have a purpose a suppose a logo is in need, i jsut cant really htink of anything, if oy u have an idea please let know, its not creating it as much as geting one that fits.

well, depending on how much work you want to do, you could create a logo in photoshop with the site name and some kind of tagline, and then alternate the logo backgroudn according to what game you’ve most recently reviewed, or a particularly good game that month or something that way, you have a nice logo and title and tagline, but the background changes every-so-often.


i dig that, but what is a tag line?

for example: PlanetQuake: ‘the epicenter of everything Quake’


i get it now. ok cool. Mesa will get started!

orange one, but imo both of them are too simple. I like more grey colors, but orange looks better.

hmm ok i will keep trying!