I have a “Loader” SWF embedded in the page, and it loads a child swf. Once loaded, it adds the loaded swf (not the loader) as a child of the document class. The Loader swf is represented by the dark bar with the “Pause” and “Mute” buttons. Everything else is the child swf. The child swf’s play area is 640x480, so I have a sprite created in code to be that size, and it’s applied as the child swf’s mask.
I want to show you these images and briefly describe what’s going on.
Before: This is what the screen looks like normally, right before I push the Pause button. The Pause button issues a pause command to the child swf, but also creates a greyscale ColorMatrixFilter and applies that to the child swf.
**After: **The child swf is paused, the ColorMatrixFilter is applied, and… as you can see, a LOT of MovieClips in the child swf have stopped rendering. At first, everything above a certain child index starts flickering, sometimes visible, sometimes not. Then they just disappear, and won’t reappear until the ColorMatrixFilter is removed.
Eventually I’ll be writing a blitting engine, but that doesn’t solve my immediate problems, so let’s not just jump on that panacea bandwagon just yet.
**Any thoughts? Ideas? Questions? Seen something like this before?