ive searched the forums, and i havent seen this problem. when i load a .txt file into my swf, which gets loaded into another swf, i run into a problem. when i use FMX to test the movie (via ctrl+enter) the text shows. BUT- when i upload it to my server and test it there, it doesnt work.
i have it set up so the text file im trying to retrieve is on a brinkster server, for update capabilities. i dont understand why the text shows up when i test the movie in FMX but not when its uploaded to my site.
Its most likely a targetting issue.
If you are testing the movie itself on your computer and it works fine, but on your server its viewed via loadMovie then thats why.
You must _root somewhere in your script. Since when you load a movie into a main movie, the _root of the loaded movie now becomes the _root of the main movie… so the script is looking on the wrong timeline for whatever. Instead try either “this”, _parent or just nothing.
[AS]loadText = new loadVars();
//Create loadVarsText func.
loadText.onLoad = function() {
scroller.text = this.newstext;
thats my code.
loadMovie(“news.swf”, “mainArea”);
mainArea._x = 56;
mainArea._y = 229.2;
and thats the code im using to load the newstext.txt into my other swf.
do you mean make loadMovie(“news.swf”, “mainArea”)
_parent.loadMovie(“news.swf”, “mainArea”)?
anyone? i need to know how to do this or ill have to make my site operate in a different manner.
I honestly don’t see anything in your script that would make it work on your comp but not on your server.
Did you remember to upload the .txt file (stupid question, but honestly… it happens).
Is that .txt file on the same server as your .swf files? Flash doesn’t allow the retreival of data off of other servers, it must be on the local server.
Are you exporting all your movies (File/Publish Settings) in a Flash 6 format?
Other than those, I can’t really see anything wrong.
Can you post the files?