Type Writter effect

Hey all i didnt get any help on my other post but i figured it out i searched for this but i cant find any thing good cany any one tell me the action script to just do a type writter effect

Hey um, I thought I saw one somewhere… I’ll look…

This should do it… http://www.flashkit.com/movies/Effects/Text_Effects/Type_Wri-Puneet-3373/index.php

Hehe thanxs alot man i searched on flash kit but of course i spelled it wrong well thanx alot

I did too, typerwriter at first… lol

LoL yeah well once again thanx and one more thing can u tell me how to put a banner at the bottom like urs?

[AS]TextField.prototype.typeWriter = function(milliseconds, text) {
var index, str, init;
str = text.length ? text : this.text;
this.$typer = function() {
this.text = str.substr(0, ++index);
if (index == str.length) clearInterval(init);
init = setInterval(this, “$typer”, milliseconds);
// usage example 1
this.createTextField(“test_txt”, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
test_txt.autoSize = true;
test_txt.setNewTextFormat(new TextFormat(“Verdana”, 10));
test_txt.text = “naked_chicken”;
// usage example 2
this.createTextField(“test_txt”, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
test_txt.autoSize = true;
test_txt.setNewTextFormat(new TextFormat(“Verdana”, 10));
test_txt.typeWriter(100, “naked_chicken”);[/AS]


LOL well thatnx kax but that just confused me im a big dumby as u should tell i cant ever spell writter right or did i?

Here’s another type writter effect on this site with a FLA as well.


OK… let’s make things easier. :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Paste this code in the first frame actions of your movie (highligh the frame and hit F9):
    [AS]TextField.prototype.typeWriter = function(milliseconds, text) {
    var index, str, init;
    str = text.length ? text : this.text;
    this.$typer = function() {
    this.text = str.substr(0, ++index);
    if (index == str.length) clearInterval(init);
    init = setInterval(this, “$typer”, milliseconds);

  2. Create a dynamic TextField and write the text.

  3. Assign an instance name to the TextField. For the sake of this example, I’ll call it myTextField.

  4. Go to the frame actions and call the method:
    You’d replace myTextField with whatever you called the TextField.

The first parameter, milliseconds, is basically the speed at which the text is written.

The second parameter, text, is the text that you want to write in the TextField. It’s an optional parameter.

Got it? =)

hehe yeah thanx alot to you kax and you 2 dude

You’re welcome. :wink: