Typing Effect Animation Problem

What if my ‘text’ variable includes a ‘/n’ (enter)? How will it go to the next line?\r\rNeed help with this, please…

I’m working on it. Give me a little while. Its more complicated than I thought.

I hope you are talking about my tutorial. If you aren’t then I don’t know what the hell you are talking about and this will definately not work! lol ok here goes\r\rPut this in the middle frame, where the whole duplicate movieclip code is…\r\rnRSPACE = text.substr(ii,1)\rnRSPACE2 = text.substr(ii+1,1)\rif(nRSPACE == " " && nRSPACE2 == " "){\r&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp nLNumber = nLNumber + 1\r&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp nChars = -1\r}\r\rthen whereever you want a return just put two spaces in a row. You can’t put any text where you want the space because the dynamic text will not turn invisible. Let me know if this is what you want.

It worked. But I changed the ‘nChars’ inside the ‘if’ statement to ‘-2’\r\rnRSPACE = text.substr(ii,1)\rnRSPACE2 = text.substr(ii+1,1)\rif(nRSPACE == " " && nRSPACE2 == " "){\r nLNumber = nLNumber + 1\r nChars = -2\r}\r\rThanks.\r\rAnother problem…is there anyway I could add a ‘bullet’ inside the text?

The only way I could think of doing that is just drawing the the bullet and placing it in the movie clip that has the Tweening animation at say frame 25, after the whole animation. then in the first frame of that MovieClip place the code\r\rif(mcLetter.text eq “%”){\rgotoAndPlay(25)\r}else {\rplay()\r}\r\rthen where ever you want a bullet just put a %\r\rI hope you understnad because I cna’t really explain any better…\r\rmcLetter is the name of the movieclip that moves around…