Typography... and stuff

I was going to list this as text effect but that word brings up different means in flash,
what I really want to know is … how can I get an outline on inputted text.
And for that matter, lets say I have drawn a shape that does not have an outline / border. Is there an easy way to do so without a lot of hassle?

~ Ryoga


The fastest way that I know is to find a font that only has a border for the text…

The painful way that I know is…
Type the letter you want to have border…
Break the text apart until all the text becomes shape…
Use Ink Bottle tool to add the border to individual shapes…
Get rid of the unnecessary shapes after creating the borders…

Painful it is especially if you have many characters to deal with, but this is all I know… Maybe there is some other way to do it… Anybody??? :slight_smile:

oh… silly me. i forgot about the ink drop tool.

never used it before.

Thank you.
That works just fine.
helped alot.

No problem… Enjoy the pain… I hope you have many many many words to break apart… :evil:

Drop by anytime… :cowboy:

well… the use would only be for a logo or two. i would never spend that much time on extented amount of text liek that. i would not look right either.

:evil: :flower: =)

you could simply use illustrator, type your word, and switch the fill to a stroke, and then just import it into flash through the use of copy and paste or export to flash.

Yes… That will be another alternative… Come to think of it, I think I’ve read a thread with that solution too… But I was just curious… Wouldn’t that make the file size bigger than using the Ink Bottle tool???

don’t see why it would have a larger size, vector to vector, you could just break the graphic apart, after you import it.

::: plus its so much easier than going through the method mentioned before, lol, very tedious. in my opinon. :smirk:

Yes… I think you’re right… Thanks for clearing that up for me… =)

personaly… i dont think its tedious at all.

i draw alot of my designs in illustrator first, and then import to flash, so i guess i am just use to using that method, person choice i guess. :smirk: