I’m not confused (ok in general, but not on this)
But i’m not too glad with the word mattias. It dos’nt give much assoiciations. U know?
Words that would be better to illustrate: Softice, robot, water, war, anger, happyness, love etc…
But anyway, lets stop the talking and start walking
Maby it’s eazyer if Exorcist starts of from scratch with a word he makes up. And then azzy continues from that, according to the rules stated by punkerton.
Another way to do it would b drawing the letters by hand.
But no need to do a remake.
We dont even know if it lives up to the expectations of Punkterton’s original idea.
As i said earlyer, lets just continue. And let azzy decide in what direction he wants to go.
Nice work Ex. I agree with fern and eilsoe’s comments. I don’t want to dog your work because I was unclear about what I wanted out of this battle. I would like to see crazier stuff. like fern said the design should work in black and white before the effects. I almost outlawed using fonts because I wanted more of the artists style than font choice. So keep that in mind lads. If you use a font rip it to shreds or something. Do something creative with it. Anyway, lookin’ forward to azzy.
Very very nice Ex. This communicates water very well. I would still like to see some more attention to the actual form(font, shape, etc.) of the word in later rounds.