Typography battle

Hi again

I’m not confused (ok in general, but not on this)
But i’m not too glad with the word mattias. It dos’nt give much assoiciations. U know?
Words that would be better to illustrate: Softice, robot, water, war, anger, happyness, love etc…

But anyway, lets stop the talking and start walking :slight_smile:

Maby it’s eazyer if Exorcist starts of from scratch with a word he makes up. And then azzy continues from that, according to the rules stated by punkerton.

ok sounds good. I’ll go last.
So the order now will be:

  1. exorcist
  2. azzy
  3. fernov
  4. punkerton

FYI Matthias is the name of the lead character in the book Redwall.

Here’s my img…
Quite simple…
But thats refering to the word…

[SIZE=1]Sorry… The IMG is quite big…[/SIZE]

Next!! :stuck_out_tongue:

that looks more like text effects than actual typography :-/

… and that’s not “chill”, that’s “chrome” :stuck_out_tongue: should’ve made it blue…

Got a good point there Eilsoe :wink:

Well, lets just wait and c what azzy comes up with :slight_smile:


Im KInda Photoshop noob…
I posted bcause the effect looks nice…
=’ (

Nice text on your sig Fernov…
Makes me think about…

BOOZE!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I didn’t say you’re input stunk now did I? :stuck_out_tongue: For a text effect it’s nice, I just think you got confused about what defines typography. :slight_smile:

I’m sure Fernov will tell you all about THAT… :sure: Right? Lasse? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm tell him all about typography, or all about booze? :wink:

As i se it you should be able to start of by making your typography art look good in lineart b/w - and then add effects, other graphics, ‘n’ all.

But i do like the text-effect you’ve made :slight_smile:

Another way to do it would b drawing the letters by hand.
But no need to do a remake.
We dont even know if it lives up to the expectations of Punkterton’s original idea.

As i said earlyer, lets just continue. And let azzy decide in what direction he wants to go.

Nice work Ex. I agree with fern and eilsoe’s comments. I don’t want to dog your work because I was unclear about what I wanted out of this battle. I would like to see crazier stuff. like fern said the design should work in black and white before the effects. I almost outlawed using fonts because I wanted more of the artists style than font choice. So keep that in mind lads. If you use a font rip it to shreds or something. Do something creative with it. Anyway, lookin’ forward to azzy.

I feel a quote comming…

“Typography is a beautiful group of letters, not a group of beautiful letters”

  • Steve Byers.


Nice quote…
Now I get the reason of the battle…
Any chance of me re-doing my img?

Do it man, and make us proud.

Nice quote Fernov.


You’ll see…
Ill make u guys proud!!

well heres my serve guyz.

what the hell man… i dont get any comments when i post this???
comon people iwant comments

Nice pic azz. Umm…we kinda switched words. Take a look at what’s been happenin’. You’re up after Ex submits his redo.

Nice pic azz. Umm…we kinda switched words. Take a look at what’s been happenin’. You’re up after Ex submits his redo.

Im bussy lately…
But it will be posted today or tomorrow…

Sorry for any incoveniences…


For taking long…

At last!
Heres my img!!
[SIZE=1]Sorry for the size![/SIZE]

Very very nice Ex. This communicates water very well. I would still like to see some more attention to the actual form(font, shape, etc.) of the word in later rounds.

so azzy’s next with “water”