-We’ll do four rounds. In the first two you will just choose your own word or words. In the last two the person before you will give a word or words.
-This will be like tennis in that you will use the previous image in your new image.
-It can be one word or a line or two but no paragraphs or anything excessive.
-Keep the size around 1024x768 or so.
I hope you guys are interested. I’d like to start by the end of the week.
Hey sounds cool
Im new here, but i guess i have to start some where. So why not start here.
Am i getting u right on this?:
You have to use part of the previous image, but you dont have to use the same word?
If that is, i dont like it.
It will b coolest if its the same word all way.
So the word (and the theme) will be continuous.
Lets say the word is “hi-fi” - you’ll have to make ur graphics from the assosiations u get from that word.
Ok let’s get this started. We’ll go in this order:
Let’s do 1024x768 images. azzy can start using one of my matthias pics then he will pass it on to exorcist and then to fernov. After Fernov has done his version of matthias then azzy will start the next round with a new word and we’ll go down ending with me. then Exorcist starts and so on. does that make sense?
FYI I am having problems so I can’t exchange PSDs but everybody else feel free to. Sorry 'bout the links. Don’t know whats up.
Ok. This is just like photoshop tennis where one person makes something and the next person uses parts of that image and make something new. The difference is that the focus is on the use of typography. Ferny suggested that everyone do the same word so we see everyones different reactions to it. SO when it is your turn you will use the same word as everyone else and also use parts of the previous image in your own image. After everyone has gone then we start a new round with a new word. So I went first in this round using the word “matthias”. So everyone uses “matthias” for this round. Next round we will have a new word that azzy comes up with.
According to the rules I stated before azzy goes now using the images that I already posted. Then you use azzy’s image in yours. If you’re all ready to go though I guess you and azzy can switch.
You start with an entirely new image. You can do anything you want but you need to do two things: 1) The word matthias must be the focus of the image. Do it however you want. Write it in your handwriting or use a crazy font, whatever. 2) use a part of my(or azzy’s if he goes before you) image somewhere in your image.