Have you guys ever had a typography battle? Would go somthing like this… we choose a word or phrase and then illustrate it using both typography and design skillz in either vector, raster, or vector/raster. For example we could take the word “complex” and then produce illustrations that are complex or illustrate the actual word “complex” in a complex kind of way.
Allright then so no one cares about this. Well I did one anyway just to motivate you people. Its not all about “web” and “flash”… so you can find my version in the link below. It illustrates the word “simple”:
If your talking about the rounded white word that says “simple”, of course I made it, after all I am a graphic designer. As for the bitmap font at the bottom, I didnt make that, it is just for communication purposes.
If you like that then heres another one for you guys:
see if you can work out what that says…
oh and is anyone keen on doing this battle or will I battle myself?
very cool megatron, but a lot of us here suck at typography, it’s not one of our strong points so you go on a head and knock yourself out…hahah j/k Some brave soul might come a long and battle you, just wait. =)
come on, its not about winning or losing. just having fun and seeing what kind of creative things we can come up with.
It would be cool to see how different people around the world percieve certain words, and how they would illustrate them.
heres a font I did:
and heres a 3d word that says “heat”:
anyway… its time to try somthing new for everyone hey. I didnt realize these forums were so flash and web orientated, I thought they might include a little bit more design in them. Ahh well I might have to keep looking for somwhere to fit in :*(
Each of us here have our strong points and our weak points, you for one, have a strong point for typography judging by the stuff you just displayed. There are many awesome designers here that you obviously haven’t met yet so don’t think that there aren’t any good designers here cause I’ll tell you now, I’ve seen a lot better stuff than yours posted here, no offense of course. Just browse through the Drawing and Design section and you’ll see what I mean, if you dig deep enough you’ll see there’s some amazing work posted in the past.
okay then so if any of them are reading this. lets actually start on this battle then. I am keen to see other peoples stuff. Often you get sick of seeing your own stuff all the time.
im in the mood for a battle… eventhough you’ll prolly swollow me whole, i dont give a care. but im down to battle. meet u at the coral at sunrise. partna
i’ll battle you…lay down the rules…i usually use a combo of both traditional design (paper, pencil, exacto knife stuff) with the computer. Here are a couple of my recent works…
They are huge 11" x 11" and I have actual print copies of them. I would have saved them for web but they are way too big.
Well, let see,
We if it is only us two, then what about a week period,
and using scanner, paper, pencil, photoshop, or well any of the major picture editor programs, and also either raster or vector. I think the theme should be on a word. But I will let you think of the word.:-\