
Hello. I’m very very new to this whole Flash thing, just kinda fumbling my way thru, trying to learn as I go and all that sort of thing. I’m working on a banner ad, and can’t seem to figure out how to make the whole thing a link. I’ve been doing gif animations for some time, simple enough to link those in the HTML, but with a Flash movie, how does one go about making the whole thing, start to finish, a link? I’ve found how to make the text linked, but I want the whole banner to be a link, all the time, all the way around. Am I just completely stupid? God I hate sounding so ignorant when I ask questions like this one…I’m sure it’s really simple, something I’ve overlooked, right? LOL :-\

Your Pal™,

Just make an invisible button over the stuff!
Draw a very big rectangle around all the stuff!
Select it and choose insert->Convert to Symbol and choose button. Now double-click ot to go inside it!
Click on the first frame.
Drag the first frame to the “HIT” frame so the others will be empty.
Voila you have an invisible button.
Now click the button and assign te actions for it.
getURL or sumthing…

Rock on, dude. Thanks a million. :nerd:

Your Pal™,

Most peculiar. I made the big transparent button, set its action so that it will “getURL” on press (tried release, too), and it doesn’t work. Oddly enough, in addition to not doing the link properly, it has also caused the capital letters to become strangely filled in, like R and P. The upper round portion is filled with the text color in both those letters, throughout the movie. The text looks fine in the actual Flash software, but once it gets to a browser, it’s filled in. Any suggestions as to what I may be doing wrong? Thanks.

Your Pal™,