Unload Movie

is there anyway to unload a movie by its name instead of level…what has happened is …im using swapdepths() on a movie that loads so that when it loads it will load above any movie that is has been previously loaded…what my problem is when i go to click a button that should unload a movie that has already been “swapdepth()” i cant close it by level because the level has been changed by the swapdepth function…so i was wondering if i could just close it by its name some how like unloadmove(index.swf) or something like that…please help asap…thanks

also if anyone has a better solution to have movies load above other movies let me know…but take in to consideration that i need movie 1 to load above movie 5 and on the opposite i need movie 1 to load above movie 5 if needed…and again…help asap…if possible…
