Unload movie

I’m a bit confused, I thought I got it, but then again I didn’t. I have a set of buttons that each loads a different swf using the loadmovie action into a empty movie clip named “empty.”

What I wanted to know is how would I unload a loaded movie if a button is clicked?

For example, I press button 1 and it loads blue.swf, now when I press button 2, it unloads blue.swf and loads red.swf.

Anyone have a clue? Thanks in advanced. =)

Well if you are loading to a movie clip, if you load a new movie onto the same movie clip the movie will replace the currently loaded movie.

So there is no reason to unload it because Flash will unload it automatically.

Oh wow, well that just shows how much more I need to learn, thanks Lost. I’m working on my gallery section right now so without that loading issue it will save me a lot of time. =)

but you can unload with the:

unloadMovie (target);


unloadMovieNum (level);


Yeah, you can use those if you aren’t going to be replacing the movie.