Unloading a swf not in the main timeline

i have a main movie that loads external swf’s -
( main.swf loads the following… portf1.swf, portf2.swf, portf3.swf )

in portf2.swf I am loading frame1.swf with the following AS:

my problems is frame1.swf stays on screen when I click on the menu system to load any other .swf

how would i target frame1.swf from the main timelines menu system and remove frame1.swf before loading any other swf’s into main.swf

here’s my site with the problem: http://kampuracreations.com/
when you enter the site click on “gallery” then click on “frames” which loads “frames1.swf” Now if you click on “Home” the "frames1.swf is still present, how would i unload it when clicking on any of the menu buttons??

thanks all