unloadMovie for swf gallery with xml+flash

Hello everyone and thanks for taking the time to read this. I’m a new flash user, currently working on my first full site in flash. I’ve built myself a pretty cool little slide/gallery following the kirupa’s XML Gallery tutorial. I set it up so that the xml is passing .swf files so the gallery actually includes audio, video, and photos. I changed the graphics a bit, and things work pretty smoothly although its a bit buggy, but good enough for now.

I wanted to do a Lightbox.js/modal window thing with the interface so I make a big black rectangle covering the entire stage, converted it into a movieclip, then animated its _alpha settings so that when the user clicks on on of the thumbnails/buttons, the whole HTML screen greys out and the swf content, a caption and some navigation controls pop up “on top” of the thumbnails.

you can view this here: http://www.teameverything.com/flash/teameverything.html

not everything is working yet, so to view what I am talking about follow one of these paths:

click on VIEW: click on the bottom left button (this leads to gallery)
click on Listen: click on the top left button(this leads to a gallery)

I want to include a “back” button on the galleies so I put a button into the gallery.swf with something like this on it:


and it worked! sort of… it unloads the gallery.swf (the file that xml loads everything into) but it doesn’t unload the .swf content that is loaded. am I using the right logic here? I mean, If I unload the gallery that is holding a .SWF loaded with XML, that SWF file should dissapear with it, right?

Thanks for your help with figuring this out! Let me know if I should post the code/files for this, I’m new here so still learning the ettiquite .

thanks again!