Unrandom random?

titles a bit vague, i had no idea what to call it, i am sorry if this is a stupid question, i just can’t find the answer anywhere.

I am using AS2 and i want to create an enemy, but i need it to spawn randomly. yes i know, use random. but i don’t want the movieclip to go under or over a certain amount.

i want the movie clips y axis to be over 122 and under 292
(i gave up trying so i just have it set at the highest i want it to be

newenemy._y = random(292)

i want it to be something like random(122,292). but that doesn’t work

might mention i am extremely new. only started using as2 last week(from memory, i used to just copy all codes i didn’t know and the only thing i added myself was key.isDown things)