I could use some input here, guys.
What’s the appropriate way to deal with a client who is nit-picking you to death over the website you’ve created for him?
I reluctantly agreed to do this Flash project for him, emulating a very cutting-edge website for virtually nothing - tiny budget. And after spending five weeks on it and nothing else on this labor intensive site, he keeps coming back with page after page of tweaks and nitpicks.
I’m tempted to tell him where to stuff it, but my professionalism prevents me. I’m half ready to cut my losses and walk away, giving up the other 50% balance remaining, simply to be free from this guy, though then it means I really didn’t make any money last month.
Help me get some perspective. Does he have the right to keep nitpicking me until it’s exactly like the example site, should I just grin and bear it and keep investing hours into this money pit, or should I tell him to take a hike?
Sorry, just needed to blow off a little steam. Any input, one way or the other, is appreciated.