Unusual alignment?


I’ve just completed a website that I have (probably rather stupidly) made using layers, as opposed to the usual table method.
I havn’t found the site to be problematic in any way until I viewed it on a friends computer and it looked all misaligned? (not to mention the images all looking blurred and grainy?)

I’ve viewed it through Netscape and Internet Explorer and the site looks perfect however this particular computer is using AOL as it’s browser is this the problem and if so is there a setting to prevent this happening?

The url is: ok-racing.co.uk if anyone is interested in veiwing the site for themselves.

Any feedback would be appresiated be it browser or site related.



you summed up the problem ok… AOL
evil evil evil empire. why the hell do they have their own browser?!?! seriously!? Why would you sign up with an ISP who makes you use their own browser so that your internet experience can be limited to what they want.

Tell them to get away from AOL as fast as they possibly can!

What version of AOL was the computer using? I remember reading (this could be so wrong) that AOL were going to use what is basically Netscape for version 8.0. I assume it can’t be a problem with certain resolutions?

Good luck.

Well I thought maybe it was the version of AOL they were running but they’ve just updated from 7 to 8 and the problem still exists?

I just can’t believe that AOL could create such a problem? … I could understand the the misalignment problem as I’ve read it’s not such a good idea to use layers as your layout tool … but blurred images?


hmm, the blurred images is very weird. Get a screen capture if you can.