Upcoming Changes

Upuaut! I changed the forum settings to disallow any footers. Yet, the existing posts still have the signatures visible. What is up with that lol? :slight_smile:

BTW: Pom, you are now a maderator! Congrats <wohooO!!!>


The fotter disallowance (whateverā€¦) doesnā€™t seem to work so wellā€¦ But I now have lots of little buttons :smiley:
Thanks Kirupa for your confidence ! I really appreciate this.

pom 0]

ah, Iā€™ll have to check out how that works. I had hoped that the footers being taken out of the best of Kiupa section (just to let everyone know I wasnā€™t attempting to get them taken out of all the sections :slight_smile: ), would illiminate them when we moved posts there. Iā€™ll see what I can discover concerning that

does anyone elses mouse slow down like crazy with mad lag when viewing this page?

possibly a resource draining sig?

i got a good comp although my card is broke it still runs fine during normal use.

just wondering.

Concerning that footer thing, the problem is now, when I include my own footer, thereā€™s a blank rectangle at the bottom of my postā€¦
pom 0]

Hey pom,
Iā€™ll add your tutorial and open source file tomorrow!


Thanks ! Iā€™ve commented on the code a little bit. Iā€™m sending it to you. Could you name it something with ā€œoutlinesā€ rather than ā€œbacteriaā€ please, because I donā€™t think anybodyā€™s ever heard of a bacteria effect :slight_smile:

pom 0]

Do you mean the tutorial as something other than bacteria? Ok, Iā€™ll change it tomorrow then. I actually added the file today - Spring break excitement even though I have school tomorrow haha.

Iā€™ll fix it. Your open source file will definitely be called outlines; donā€™t worry haha!

Iā€™ve just checked, and I noticed the last sentence : here is the source for the sliding menu lol :smiley:

pom 0]

Iā€™ll fix that as well haha

Hey Kir,
I noticed that you didnā€™t embed the right swf in the elasticity tutorials. The last 2 swf shouldnā€™t be this one, but, well, some others.


pom 0]

Hey Pom,
Would it be possible for you to send me the correct SWfs. I do apologize for the mishap.


I just sent it.
pom 0]

Kirupa, there is a problem in the code I sent you for the Actionscript Text Animation tutorialā€¦the mistake is in the source code and the animationā€¦if you want I can correct the FLA and send it again? this is what it says

_root[ā€œcharā€+ii]._y = nXstart + nLNumber * nLSpace

and it should say

_root[ā€œcharā€+ii]._y = nYstart + nLNumber * nLSpace

I just switched the nXstart and nYstart variablesā€¦just a minor change, but it changes the positioning of the lettersā€¦and its incorrectā€¦it wasnā€™t your fault, I gave you the wrong code cuz Iā€™m a dumbassā€¦:lol: when you read this let me know what you want to doā€¦

[::Also, I was curious why did you put Pomā€™s Drawing Board tutorial in the Flash 5 tutorial section?::]

:A+: good work guys!! :A+: