Uploading files (AS3, PHP, config)

I’m trying to build a code framework for uploading, editing and downloading bitmap images. (You can see it at work here, though that version is a couple months old.) There’s a memory leak somewhere that’s been bugging me, so don’t use it for more than half an hour. :wink:

I’ve gotten the downloading code to work already– the BitmapData is encoded using Adobe’s PNG encoder class (it’s on code.google.com), the PNG data is sent to a PHP program, and then the PHP sends it as a file to the client again, which triggers a download.

But uploading is another story. So far I haven’t gotten anything to work– not only in the Actionscript sense, but also on the server. Code examples that work just fine on the site they’re hosted on aren’t working when I upload them straight to my server, and that suggests that the server needs to be properly configured in order for this to work.

Any insight at all would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

Please paste in your PHP code! I’m being thwarted by HTTP_POST_RAW_DATA – and when I use $png = file_get_contents(“php://input”); I can download the file but am then told that it’s corrupt (or otherwise not a good PNG).

I’m confident that I’m using PNGEncoder the way it should be used; but my PHP script isn’t handling the raw stream correctly. Your help would be appreciated!

Alright, let’s see, I know it’s around here somewhere.

Try this:


// PHP code to save the picture to hard disk
// this code will open the download dialog-box window

if ( isset ( $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"] )) {
	// get bytearray
	// add headers for download dialog-box
	header('Content-Type: image/'.$_GET['imgFormat']);
	header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$_GET['name']);
	echo $im;
}  else echo 'An error occured.';
