Uploading problem

im having problems uploading a swf file into my post…just says its not a valid gif or jpg or something like that…

anyone know whhat im doing wrong?

:*( no one has even looked at my thread…

never had that problem before, but you should upload SWF files anyway. They are a pain in the arse to view…

im pretty sure you meant shouldn’t there…but what should i do if i want people to look at the swf?

I would upload it to my website and just use [ swf ] to view it. If you upload then the person has to right-click and press SAVE TARGET AS… and its just annoying…

and yes I meant shouldn’t.

what about the unfortunate souls who cant upload it to their web sites? feels ashamed :stuck_out_tongue:

you could just ask someone to host if for you
i could probably host a couple flashes for you if you want… email them to otnes28@hotmail.com

I’ll put them on my site after i get home from work in like 5 hours
if that’s not soon enough I’m sure someone else will do it for you

i sent you an email xxviii, thanks for the offer :slight_smile:

let me know when its up on your site please


I uploaded it in case you didnt get my message