Hi, for some reason all of the free uploading sites I’ve come across have a 900kb/file limit. My newest cartoon is 1,200! Do any of you guys know of a free site that has over that limit? Thanks a lot for your help.
Have you check Brinkster?
Does Brinkster have any free storage offers? All I see is pay plans for domain and website hosting…but I could be missing something.
20 MB free space at www.angelfire.com
Here are a couple, I don’t know what their file upload size is… but they’re worth checking out.
- unlimerted space
- unlimeted bandwitdh
- $5 for a mySQL update
- php
- free cool subdomains
host ultra are my hosts and are generally great.
Thanks a lot for your help guys. Many of the sites still have that nagging 900kb/1MB file size limit, but if you guys are interested, http://www.freewebsiteproviders.com/search.php
lists many, many free website providers and their file size limits (I stumbled upon one that has 2MB/file limit (yay!)). Again, thanks for all your help!