From his PM:
I wanted to know whether you would like to host a pure flash competition of sorts. Pure design, corporate application and some money to the winner.
I have managed to worm my way into the tech department at my law firm and they have asked me to put together a ‘micro-site’ for the department. I want this to be pretty straight html and I am happy to do it, but, I had an idea for a competition that I thought I would run by you first to see what you thought.
I want to have a very fancy flash animation that is really impressive, low k (preferabley no loader - but ActionScript if there is one), but quite abstract as a banner that runs between the title banner and navigation bar - both of which I imagine sitting centre top, rather like AOL’s.
It would have to be maybe 770px wide and perhaps 100px high and would have to based on a white background. I imagine rainbow loops fading into view from one side of the screen and moving ethereally accross to the other where they fade away again, or very thin black lines of random shape sparking into life and out again - I don’t know. Though I could do this myself, I thought perhaps it would make a good competition for kirupa forum. If you approve, I will see if I can persuade the firm to go ahead with this and to offer US$150 as prize money in addition to a couple of hours free legal advice (English law only I’m afraid).
The competition would have to be open for a month or so or until I saw something I really thought we could use and the money dependent on our getting something I actually use. I know that this might come accross like an attempt to get cheap Flash design work, and I suppose in a sense it is, but - I really could do this myself and it will take some fast talking on my behalf to sell this to the men upstairs, it is pure art and I thought that a cash prize might go down well. I may or may not be able to persuade them to update it every now and again - and so perhaps redo the competition at some later point. What do you think?