Urgent help with onRollOver function...please

Ok…I have a written 2 functions, ‘over’ and ‘out’…these are used to control the rollover and rollout states of multiple buttons. That all works fine. YOu will also see from the example that each button also controls a movie and onRelease loads it into a movie clip holder. Again…that all works fine.

However, I want the movie clip to be loaded in the holder during the onRollover state now and not the onRelease…how to I rewrite the below function to achieve this, remembering that every button loads a different movie clip on the onRelease state but uses the same functions, ‘over’ and ‘out’…

Please help…urgent help required.

side_btn.onRollOver = over;
side_btn.onRollOut = out;
side_btn.onRelease = function() {
loader._visible = true;
mcl.loadClip(“side_shoe_big.swf”, holder);

function over () {
function out () {

PLease help…thank you.