Hi all,
i’m trying to add a pause and play button onto my timeline animation, so that when i hit pause/play, all animation will pause/play at the same time:
so i use:
** on (press) {
on (press) {
on each button respectively.
it works fine until i realised that i have several movie clips within this main timeline, and the above command doesn’t stop those movie clip animations as well.
what additional line of code should i put in?
basically the main timeline is where my animation is, with a few movie clips on various spots.
your help is much appreciated! 
you have to specify the MC and tell it stop… strange thing computers, they only do what they are told… most of the time
click the MC and call it something in properties
ps timeline effects and AS aren’t a healthy mix
[quote=randomagain;2351279]you have to specify the MC and tell it stop… strange thing computers, they only do what they are told… most of the time
click the MC and call it something in properties
ps timeline effects and AS aren’t a healthy mix[/quote]
hi it works great, thanks!!
btw, is there a way to toggle the play/pause button, so that there’s only ONE btn (play/pause) at anytime on the screen?
on (press) {
toggled = !toggled;
if (toggled) {
} else {
(toggled = !toggled) ? stop() : play();
one-liner :party: