Urgent, please help with the scroll thing

Okay this is weird - did you change anything between the angel.swf you gave me in the first batch and the angel.fla you gave me in the 2nd batch? Because when I tested the first angel.swf the poem showed up but when I published the angel.fla you sent the 2nd time and tested it no poem shows?

But anyway, tellTarget is deprecated in flash, meaning it is no longer used. Dot syntax is used instead. So instead of saying:

on(release) {
	tellTarget("ball") {

you would use

on(release) {

That could be all you are missing but its hard to tell since I canā€™t the poem to show up anymore at all no matter what :frowning:

I also noticed you have code repeated on both files? And you have _root everywhere in your external swf. When you load in that file into your main fla then everytime flash sees _root it will start at the main timeline of the main fla. When you load in an external swf it is no longer its own beast - it has been incorporated into the main fla and is now referenced though the clip you loaded it into. In other words, the path to the movie clip called up2 within angel.fla is _root.up2 but once loaded into poem.fla is now _root.empty.up2

Make sense? :hr:

edit I see the poem now - angel.fla also has a mask on it that I removed to be able to see it - sorry!

ok got some idea let me try and seeā€¦

edit: it didnt help me yetā€¦ :frowning: can you upload the file that you corrected

Sorry, I havenā€™t been able to fix it yet, primarily because Iā€™m at work and could only poke at it while eating lunch. Iā€™ll try again when I get home.


ok thanks alot in advance :slight_smile:

So do you need the same code repeated on both flas?


if you want you can change that part. :slight_smile: but later do tell me what you did so i can know in the future

Well are you just trying to load the poem into the main fla and that is all? Or are there other things going on that the code specifies that you need to keep?

its like thisā€¦ you can see only one poem there, like that there will be lot of poems and when u click a specific poem it loads to the right side area

So why not have everything on the main fla and then load the text dynamically?
You donā€™t have to do it that way of course, just curious if all the code on the external swf was setting up something else.


if u have a better way to do it you can show that way to me :slight_smile:

Okay, let me mock something up real quick to show you. Iā€™ll keep it simple as i still donā€™t understand what all the extra code you have in there does - why so many frames? Is it just to keep certain movie clips from showing up until a certian time?


ok thanks in advance u got the idea so just tell me a new way to do it. thats the way that came to my mind, cos i dont want the movie to be that big im loadin other clips to it

Hey silence, sorry I couldnā€™t get more together - I ran out of time. Iā€™m leaving early tomorrow morning for a week-long conference in California and Iā€™ve got to get some stuff done before I go.

I got the file working so make sure you take a look at the code on angel. I moved the masks just to be able to see what I was doing so thatā€™s why they are off to the side.

I changed the code on all the frames of the ā€œup2ā€ and ā€œdown2ā€ MCs as well as the code on the buttons that scroll the text up and down. I got rid of the tellTarget line and changed it to dot syntax with the path to the ā€œemptyā€ movieclip that is on the poem fla --> _root.empty.up2.gotoAndPlay(2) etc.

Sorry I couldnā€™t do more. If you want to learn about dynamic text check out the tutorials on Kirupa - its nice to have text files that are easy to edit and are outside of your project that you can just load in when you need them. You can also load different ones into the same space that way instead of having to swap out movie clips or whatever.


ummm, guys, is it me, or is your poem.fla white with black border, a header, and registration points when i scrub?!?!?!

Thanks alot lunatic. will go through that dynamic thingy.

@kingoā€™mountain: the poem.fla is with a white background, black border and a header called ā€˜Angel of The Northern Skyā€™

ok the flash file works, but when i embed that flash file with html and make that flash file transparent in html, nothing loads when i click that ā€˜Angel of The Northern Skyā€™ button. :frowning: can anyone tell me whats wrong with it.

its like this, i have placed a half of one audio file to a Movie Clip, and another half of it to another clip, now what i want to do is, when the first half is finished i want it to tell the other half to start. and the other half keep playing continously, like looping. how to do that?

and when the user clips enter or intro button the music should fade out from where ever it is? any ideas

why not have the audio streamed as a standalone layer above all your MCs?

[edit] forget it, didnt see the 2nd part, umm, AS?

ummā€¦ how to do that?

easy, in the main timeline, add a new layer and place it above all other layers, then, import your audio, configure it to stream (forogt the optionā€™s name). the wave will appear as its own layer, bad side is that you cand fade audio directly in flash, youll have to do that in any decent audio editor you may have, save as MP3 or wav, and import that modified wave like i instructed you above