Urgent, please help with the scroll thing

Thanks alot lunatic. will go through that dynamic thingy.

@kingo’mountain: the poem.fla is with a white background, black border and a header called ‘Angel of The Northern Sky’

ok the flash file works, but when i embed that flash file with html and make that flash file transparent in html, nothing loads when i click that ‘Angel of The Northern Sky’ button. :frowning: can anyone tell me whats wrong with it.

its like this, i have placed a half of one audio file to a Movie Clip, and another half of it to another clip, now what i want to do is, when the first half is finished i want it to tell the other half to start. and the other half keep playing continously, like looping. how to do that?

and when the user clips enter or intro button the music should fade out from where ever it is? any ideas

why not have the audio streamed as a standalone layer above all your MCs?

[edit] forget it, didnt see the 2nd part, umm, AS?

umm… how to do that?

easy, in the main timeline, add a new layer and place it above all other layers, then, import your audio, configure it to stream (forogt the option’s name). the wave will appear as its own layer, bad side is that you cand fade audio directly in flash, youll have to do that in any decent audio editor you may have, save as MP3 or wav, and import that modified wave like i instructed you above

so now how will i know that the first audio clip is finish and to load the other clip

youre right, what about algorithms in AS?

no idea how to do that even :frowning:

im kinda clueless myself, and a n00b to add to the soup, so im leaving this to the pros

looks around carefully, then quietly exits through the back door