Urgent problem that should be an easy fix

Hey everyone this is a second attempt to post this thread - firefox died last time just as i was about to submit. Ok so I am having a major problem at the moment which seems like it should have quite an easy fix. I am currently messing about with amfphp for a project I am working on and it is working perfectly for me, very quick and loads all the data that I need in a very efficient way. Now the only thing is I need to include a publish function and for this I have been getting helped so far and was given a package to help me publish some variables to a database. What I am trying to do is publish the coordinates of an mc when it has been dropped, after being dragged, and so I am trying to reference the publish function(found in the class) inside of the drop function(inside each of the mcs on my stage).

So here is the class code:

    // import packages //
    import flash.net.NetConnection;
    import flash.net.ObjectEncoding;
    import flash.net.Responder;
    import flash.system.Security;

    // Responsible for saving and loading all external content //
    public class ExternalIO 
        private var _myService:NetConnection;
        private static var instance:ExternalIO;
        private static var allowInstance:Boolean;                     

        // Construct //
        public function ExternalIO() 
            if (!allowInstance)
                throw new Error("use ExternalIO.getInstance() instead of new keyword !");
        // Singleton //
        // @return     //
        public static function getInstance():ExternalIO 
            if (instance == null) 
                allowInstance = true;
                instance = new ExternalIO();
                allowInstance = false;
                trace("ExternalIO instance already exist !");
            return instance;

        // Create the new RPC connection //
        private function init():void 
            _myService = new NetConnection();
            _myService.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF3;

        // Save to database //
        public function publish(X:Number, Y:Number, NAME:String) 
            //store the data into the database using RPC
            var responder:Responder = new Responder(publishSuccess, publishFault);
               _myService.call("chaudioCircs.publish", responder, X, Y, NAME);

        // publishSuccess       //
        // Successful data save //
        function publishSuccess(responds:Object):void 
            trace("AMFPHP publish success:" + responds);

        // publishFault     //
        // Failed data save //
        private function publishFault(responds:Object):void 
            trace("AMFPHP publish failed:" + responds);

and here is how I am referencing it inside of my mc:

// Update the DB
    var extIO:ExternalIO = new ExternalIO();
    var X:Number = this.x;
    var Y:Number = this.y;
    var NAME:String = iName;
    extIO.publish(X, Y, NAME);

But when I drop the mc on the stage it is throwing this error:
Error: Error #2136: The SWF file file:///Macintosh%20HD/Users/Bob/Desktop/WORK%5FDON%27T%20TOUCH/amfPHP%20work/amfphpTest.swf contains invalid data.

I don’t really know what’s wrong with it to be honest and was hoping to find some help on the matter because it is pretty urgent at this stage.
