Hey guys! I’m making a flash website for myself which I have to turn in within the next couple of days for my web class. I’ve been doing flash for a while mostly for animation and some real basic action scripting. Here is a link of what I’m trying to do.
Basically I did the infinite menu thing, and within the movie for the infinte menu I have my buttons which are the moving frames with differnt pictures. The only trouble Im having right now is to get those frames which were already made into buttons to go a specific “frame” within my flash movie. So when you’d click one of hte pictures it would go to portfolio, bio etc… I did the action script of “go to”, than tell it to go to a specific frame in the movie which I had previously labeled like “bio” or portfolio". Somehow this stuff is just not flying for me.
Please help me out.
my aim is cogentmusic if you have any quick inputs to chime in. Thanks for everything.