US police state

I’m not too worried at all. Changing a law is not that easy, and the Courts have and will prevent any major power grabs. More recent examples include the Court refusing the adminstration from having a suspected citizen in jail without being charged, etc.


I’m not really worried about it, mainly because I don’t think that law will be overturned, but I am worried about what is running thru that mans head… actually I’m worried about who is really controlling the country thru him.

read the links man do some research you will find the worrying truth is that while many civil rights groups and other bodies have blocked attempts to repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act.

The Bush administration has already set about decosntructing that and inserting it into other smaller and more inoquous bills piece by piece so as to pass this law unatested.

All ties in with NATO and there plans…check the links i posted you will not be disappointed

Also, in the past, Presidents have used the military or national guard to forcefully integrate african americans in largely white schools, etc. Those sites are just a few decades behind - oh well :wink:

I am amazed that americans can sit back and joke about this, id be very worried indeed if i were you.

Stop finding faults kirupa and check the facts which some of those links provide , i do not agree with all the opinions i read of the various sites you have to obtain these facts from , but it does not change the fact that many of things they report on are quite true and can be verified and in many cases are verified.

Rather than making a glib remark why not face up to the fact that your current government is trying to gain total military control over its own people add to this the whole conneceted issue of the new foreig policy of the US of ‘liberating’ countries and you have a situation which historically almost perfectly mirrors pre WW2 germany.

I am not saying doomsday is upon us here, but you guys in the US need to take very serious steps to prevent this happening .
It is not guranteed but well if you use history as a guide we are currently headed for only one thing, this move to enforce government rule on its own people with military might is just an example of that.
While they may never do so it is worrying that the government in the US is ready and willing to kill its own people to stay in power.

I don’t delve on things that probably won’t happen, or in this case, what has already happened, but that’s just me. You are just overdramatizing what the government has done since the days of the Whiskey Rebellion in the late 1700’s to Civil Rights issues in the 1960s.

When the military arrests me…for I don’t know, planting a garden in a plot, I’ll send you nice box of cookies as a way of saying I should have worried more :thumb:

ok fair enough you may chosse to wear yor kirupa coloured spectacles again, but i ask u this imagine the world your children or relatives will grow up in if people do not act or think now.

I don’t delve on things that probably won’t happen, or in this case, what has already happened, but that’s just me.

No if you read the links and well documented and factual evidence of what is currently happening you would know it is way beyond the scale of anything your government has previously attempted.

If you check out historical links similar to what you posted dating back hundreds of years, you will find the exact same argument with similar views such as yours dating back to since the founding of the Constitution, the French Revolution, etc.

I’m not the one wearing the spectacles ave, for I don’t have to. Did you also build a bombshelter to protect yourself from Y2K? The threats of Y2K and a nuclear meltdown were a lot more probable, and check out the number of sites that had supposed gov’t programs linked with Y2k and world domination (not necessarily just the US). Strange how they haven’t materialized isn’t it :gm:

again you deride the links without even reading them, im fully aware of everything you mentioned but the fact is kirupa your government IS TRYING TO PASS THIS BILL.

Will you guys let it happen ?

*Originally posted by ave *
I am amazed that americans can sit back and joke about this, id be very worried indeed if i were you.

Nothing like what you are saying would be allowed to happen. I read the links, but again I find nothing scary about what is happening. Those websites are made by extreme liberals who turn everything the government does into a conspiracy. As an American citizen I can honestly say that I am not worried about that happening.

Its not because I am desensitized into obedience of our government or anything nonsense like that. Common sense will not allow for this to happen. That is how are goverment is set up. There are the three banches that check eachother to make sure that neither gets too much power. Even if this bill is pushed thru congress will it would be declared unconstitutional and shot down by the Supreme Court after 20 minutes.

We have had the same government in the US with any major problems for 200+ years. I don’t think one dumb Texan is going to take over the world…

Even if this bill is pushed thru congress will it would be declared unconstitutional and shot down by the Supreme Court after 20 minutes.

unless they hide its various points in other smaller unimportant bills…which they are already doing.

And im not suggesting that it is one dumb texan , far from it he is just a puppet for many others.

Also even if they DONT pass it the very fact that your ruling government ,which i might add controls the biggest military and financial power in the world, wants to impose martial law in its own people is surely cause for concern not flipancy.

Nothing like what you are saying would be allowed to happen

Bet they said that in pre Nazi germany didnt they…

Ave, pre-Nazi Germany built roads. Does that mean, all road construction has to do with Nazis. You are being overly naive about the politics here. The Supreme Court has and will strike down laws that it finds and will violate the Constitutional rights. Acts such as the Patriot Act, religious statements, guantanomo bay, and portions of other “omg I can’t believe they did that look what I found” actions have been severely diminished by various courts in the US.


I don’t know Phil - those Acts never did anything besides exist on paper. It’s an unenforceable act don’t you think?

Yeah - that’s why I am not too worried about the latest weekly “they are coming after me” worries. It won’t pass because each branch of Gov’t tries to keep each other in check. It is like watching three pre-school kids at a local library fighting for the same pop-up book. The chance that one will have access to that book for more than one second is slim :beam:

Yeah - that’s why I am not too worried about the latest weekly “they are coming after me” worries. It won’t pass because each branch of Gov’t tries to keep each other in check. It is like watching three pre-school kids at a local library fighting for the same pop-up book. The chance that one will have access to that book for more than one second is slim

thats what they want you to think, do you really believe the governments of our countries are as incompitent as they appear ??

Also if bush gets his way NATO will be able to enforce civil law in the good old US…and yes while this MAY never happen the very fact that the most powerful government in the world would sponsor and back and try to pass such nonsense as the patriot act is scary.

Also open your eyes your civil liberties have already been drastically reduced due to 9/11 and those evil box cutter terrorists…funny how outrageous laws and policies slip through unoticed in times of trouble isnt it.


I’m not worried at all about this, I don’t think anyone should be. It’s not like Bush is going to deploy the armed forces into Vermont, and take out Howard Dean.

I don’t think this is very serious at all - It’s more on the lines of homeland security

Me = Not worried in the least

I don’t think people should be worried, just concerned, just because there are goverment checks dosent mean one branch can or should start passing all sorts of laws.

If one branch is over turning another, its for a reson, probobly that branch thinks something is wrong with the otherone.

Now… one of them is right, and if one is right one is wrong, and why do we have something pressing for rules, acts and/or laws that my be overturned by another…


I’m not worried at all about this, I don’t think anyone should be. It’s not like Bush is going to deploy the armed forces into Vermont, and take out Howard Dean.

I don’t think this is very serious at all - It’s more on the lines of homeland security

Me = Not worried in the least

No it really isnt just about security, the overall long term plan is to have US/NATO armies keeping the peace all over the world.

I see what your saying but if we are fighting in the west for freedom of speech and deomcracy then what is the point in slowly removing your rights in order to defend them ???

Also badmagick there is more than one way to pass a ridicuous law through without people noticing.

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**Phor a case in point, is anyone aware that the US Supreme Court basically shredded the 1st ammendment 2 weeks ago by banning political speech attacks 60 days bephore an election or 30 days, can’t remember which…

I don’t see this becoming undone;

pj :sigh: **

Just found this article phil,

…what the heck are they thinking

no phil you must be mistaken as Vash and others on this post have said ‘things like this wont happen’ , some one would notice and stop it…

well new flash they didnt this time, and lets hope the same dont happen when they wanna send the army or navy seals into the next riot which they dont like huh


Post an add in the paper, 59 days before an election (You are off, its 60 days) and wait to get sued or arrested, and keep claiming freedom of speech and appealing until the supreme court hears it and over turns the law…
… or… OR!!

Put all your faith in the goverment and GW not to abuse this law and either revoke it on its own or never take a step further…
