User types input for Solution

I have a user submission game, where the user types letters into text fields. The code below checks to see if the user is correct. The letters have to be typed into the correct input text field. If everything is correct, then a movieclip gets played which takes the user to the special solution screen.

This worked with a test where I had only one short word, but now that I have serveral words, it will work if all of the correct letters are present, regardless of their order. I figured the code below was specific enough, that it mandated the correct input fields to have the correct letters typed into to them. Below this code I will paste one input field code - so you can see that also.

How can I enforce that the correct response is given in order to advance the user?

Thank you very much for reading.

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
	if (letrAOne == "A" || letrAOne == "a" && letrATwo == "A" || 
letrATwo == "a" && letrDOne == "D" || letrDOne == "d" && letrDTwo
 == "D" || letrDTwo == "d" && letrEOne == "E" || letrEOne == "e" && 
letrETwo == "E" || letrETwo == "e" && letrEThree == "E" || letrEThree
 == "e" && letrEFour == "E" || letrEFour == "e" && letrLOne == "L" ||
 letrLOne == "l" && letrLTwo == "L" || letrLTwo == "l" && letrLThree
 == "L" || letrLThree == "l" && letrTOne == "T" || letrTOne == "t" &&
 letrLTwo == "T" || letrTTwo == "t" && letrNOne == "N" || letrNOne
 == "n" && letrNTwo == "N" || letrNTwo == "n" && letrM == "M" ||
 letrM == "m" && letrS == "S" || letrS == "s" &&  letrO == "O" || letrO 
== "o") {
        delete this.onEnterFrame;	
letrAOne = inputAOne;
if (letrAOne == "A" || letrAOne == "a") {
     	answer = "Right"   ;
} else {
	answer = "Wrong"   ;