Using a mc as a button in another mc


I’ve been trying to figure out this but it doesn’t seem to be working at all…If anybody could help me out I’d really appreaciate it.

What I’m trying to do is this:
I created an mc of a square, and named its instance square1. Then within square1, I made another mc and named its instance square2 on Frame2. Finally, within square2, I made another mc and named it square3 on Frame2. So after all, I want to make it so when I click on square1, square2 shows up, and when I click on square2, square3 shows up. I just learned that outer onPress events disable inner ones so I know that this.gotoAndStop () will not work on square2 to show square3. But now I really don’t know what to do. Can anybody please give me some advise? Thank you.