Hey Everyone,
I’m making a map and when you hover over a state it has a pop up with some information, pretty easy stuff. Well, I’m using this as my code(HoverCaption Tutorial)…
Missouri.onRollOver = function() {
captionFN(true, this._name + "
Carriers: " + ranString[numState] +
Total of " + ranCount[numState] + " Carriers.", this);
this.onRollOut = function() {
What I’d like to do is instead of having to make this for every state just pass in the instance name which is the name of the state. I thought my code would look something like this.
for button…
on (rollOver){
var numState:Number = 25;
var strState:String = this._name;
for other code…
strState.onRollOver = function() {
captionFN(true, this._name + "
Carriers: " + ranString[numState] +
Total of " + ranCount[numState] + " Carriers.", this);
this.onRollOut = function() {
Well, that doesn’t work, I didn’t know if there is a way to do that, maybe threw a method. Thanks for the help!