Using array objecs as target names HELP NEEDED

hi there.

well i have several movie clips and on a keypress the instancename of one of em will get pushed into an array i have set up and that movie clip is animated of a few hundred frames and what i want to do is make it i can target the movie clips but using the array positions to target them like instead of writing


i want to be able to type


so what ever clips instance name is pushed into namearray position one will be the one tht goes to and plays their frame 36 so on for upto the 7 positions i have em pushed up to on that array.

the code ive shown u dosent work ive tried adding + inbetween each word but it still fails and id like to do it that way because i have 36 symbols and coding each one to go to the frames i want on their own would take ages this way it would be shorter, much shorter.

hope its not to confusing for u on what i want to do and thanks in advanced for ne help u can give.

ill check back later to see ne replies.
