Using classes to add your code instead of adding it directly in your FLA file


Last night, for first time decided to start using Classes to add my code instead of adding it directly in Flash and I really thought I knew how to handle this since I have created some re-usable classes before where you target an object by passing parameter etc, but for some reason I’m a little confused.

For instance I thought that if I had one function (method) in my class and I wanted to call it from my .fla file all I needed to do was to create an instance of the class and then call my method.

Something like this:


package apps.calculator{
    import com.greensock.*;
    import flash.display.*;

    public class Sample extends MovieClip {
        // recMc is on the stage in my .FLA file
              recMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moveIt,false,0,true);

        public function Sample():void {
            trace("This is the constructor");


        public function moveIt(event:MouseEvent):void {

            recMc.x = 500;

.FLA file:

import apps.calculator.*;
var moveMc: Sample = new Sample();

But this doesn’t work I get a message that says that it is missing arguments.
Can someone be so kind and give me some advice on how to use my code directly on a class and what are the differences of doing this versus putting the code directly on my .fla file and if it’s even a good practice to do this?

Thanks a lot!