Using combobox

I’m walking into a problem with using a combobox. Fetching data into the combobox aint the problem. This part works well.

The part of “getValue” aint working and is giving me “undefined”

The combobox has a instance name: “myComboBox”

and I use the code below to fetch the value of the instance “myComboBox”

var keuze = myComboBox.getValue(data);
trace (keuze);

it should create a tempory var named “keuze” which should contain the value of the “data parameter” within the combobox named “myComboBox”

then trace the value of the tempory variable “keuze”

as2 code:

//First we make a new loadvars object to hold
// the variables that are being loaded from the php file.
myData = new LoadVars();

//this is the part where we execute the
//function that handles the loaded data.
myData.onLoad = function(){
//call the function that handles the data.

//here we load in the php file, make sure
//you set the right path to your file!
// This is the function that handles the actual data.
// The variables now sorta live in the loadVars object
// we set named myData so we can call em like:
// myData.myVariableInthePhpPrintedString.
placeTheDataIntoTheRightPlace = function(){

var keuze = myComboBox.getValue(data);
trace (keuze);

php code:

$dataForCombobox_1 = “This is our FIRST variable, “;
$dataForCombobox_2 = “This is our SECOND variable, “;
$dataForCombobox_3 = “This is our THIRD variable, “;
while ($i < $num) {