I have completed the components tutorial and I am still in the deepest of darkness.
What I need for a website is a form with:
Dates to and from (accomodation website-you got it)
Submit button, which when pressed send the info to an email address.
If there is anyone out there that can help explain this to a monkey then feel free.
Another idea would be to publish an excel work sheet on the site with the current bookings, which is then automatically updated each time the excel file is updated.
Hey there, don’t fret. Dig a little and you’ll get it going.
Ultimate solution?
Flash and PHP, trust me! A little frustrating at first, because you probably don’t know PHP… but, if you know a little a/s, then PHP will come to you. If you don’t, then learn one or the other, as they are pretty similar.
The premise:
gather your variables in your input boxes
when you press your button, the values of those variables (Name, datefrom,dateto, email) will be sent to the PHP page by using either loadvariables, or LoadVar()
then, you tell PHP to submit mail using the variables provided by Flash.
BTW, Im not the PHP king. I had a need, and had to start learning. Still in the process.
PHP is so much easier than ASP, and it seems to behave better. The other thing is that PHP and Actionscript are very similar. If you know your way around the a/s, you will quickly pick up on PHP.