Using Flash Drop Down Menu with html website

[color=black][font=Arial]Hi everybody,[/font][/color]

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[color=black][font=Arial]I am wondering if someone can advise what I can do with Flash Drop Down menu using for html website. The problem is that I cannot make this website in frames. It would easily to solve this problem. Also, I need the drop down menu to show the actual name of the link corresponding to the html page is loaded. Now, when another html page is loaded it also loading the flash drop menu again and of course it started from the beginning. However, I need to make that when html page is loaded with this flash drop down menu to tell the menu to go to the frame where the name of corresponded page is shown and stay there. I need to send the variable from html page. I think I can place it in html page. And then, I need a code that will tell to go to a specific frame in the menu depending on the variable received from html page. I played with that, however, without a success yet.[/font][/color]

[color=black][font=Arial]Any advice is highly appreciated.[/font][/color]

[color=black][font=Arial]Many thanks.[/font][/color]