Using the bold tag within html embedded text, doesn't work

hey everybody,

just downloaded the flash cs4 trail, very nice :slight_smile: some of the irritating IDE bugs are gone that i had on my mac, and didn’t had on windows. but enough of that

The first project i checked out, a bug jumps up.
when you create a texfield on stage, make it html text. set it to verdana or arial regular, emded the basic symbols.
give the textfield a name and try to make some bold text using actionscript.

my_textfield.htmlText = "regular text, <b>bold text</b>"

preview it and every thing stays regular.
the only way to get right is to embed the font styles in your library. but for some of the more special symbols, that’s not good enough.
that’s the only reason i re-installed flash cs3, after thinking maybe that was the problem.

do any of you have the same problem? i think it’s a serious problem, every textEditor made in flash won’t work. also italic doesn’t work, only underline works :puzzle:

Br, Maxgrafx