Using variables in getUrl via JAVA. How?

Hi. I’ve got a picture gallery based on some flash code that reads an XML data from file and assign appropriate variable parameter.

So. I’ve got XML
<thmb=“thumbnails/003_tmb.jpg” weblink=“”/>
</gallery> in xml document

…flash code

myPhoto = new XML();
myPhoto.ignoreWhite = true;
myPhoto.onLoad = function(success) {

_global.urllink = [];

Cycle reads xml… for i to length…
picHolder = myPhoto.firstChild.childNodes*;
_global.imagefile* = myPhoto.firstChild.childNodes*.attributes.thmb;
_global.urllink* = myPhoto.firstChild.childNodes*.attributes.weblink;

watewer… As the result I’ve got a gallery presented as buttons which contains appropriated image loaded into it…
And, then you’ve clicked at the thumbnail - appropriate big picture will be loaded in a new created movie clip.

Then I’de like to open a new blank floating window with html page loaded into it accordingly to a button id

I’ve found getURL(‘’);
and rewrite the code a bit:

url_txt = urllink[];

It’s just opens a new tab in a browser with html page loaded accordingly to the thumbnail id.
But I want to create a new floating window with a certain page loaded into it

and I found next example:

getURL("javascript:openNewWindow(‘’,‘thewin’,‘height=400,width=400,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes’) ");

I’ve decided to put url_txt variable instead of the adobe page into getUrl on JAVA, so I got:

getURL("javascript:openNewWindow(‘url_txt’,‘thewin’,‘height=400,width=400,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes’) ");

But it stoped working.

When the new floating window is created the page says:
it couldn’t find a file on a local disc\volumes\canyon\project\url_txt

Can I use a variable data instead of a straight url adress with a getUrl using JAVA code… As I understood a new floating window is possible to open just using JAVA code…
Ho can I put varriable istead of adress on Java and ActionScript?;(

Thank you.