Utf-8? Urlencode? loadVars? Special Characters?

Hi there, Im pretty fresh with this.

From my input field I send special characters like [SIZE=-1]ë
Like the word [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Armenië is sended by flash sendvars as [/SIZE] Armeni%C3%AB,

In my database I get: Armenië
So what’s on?

Do I have to decode something in php file? Or is it a flash problem. I don’t know where to start.


Make sure the table in your (MySQL?) database is set to the correct encoding, although I’m not sure what the right encoding is… :stuck_out_tongue:

System.useCodepage = true


It looks to me that you need to send your pages as UTF-8 instead of ISO-8859-1… In fact, try going to View->Character Encoding->Unicode, and the character will show up correctly.