Special Character Php Help

Hi - sorry if i am new to php

I am using flash 8 and i am grabbing data from mySql using php to feed flash.
My data has special characters in it (éö etc)

I have embedded these characters in flash but the data is not displaying correctly.
I have been told that urlencode in my php will help

This is my php function tht calls the data - how can i url encode all the data that is returned?

Note: i use several functions which are almost identical to this in my php, which basically grab all data from each field in a table - so i need all the data which is held in an array to be urlencoded - the letters needed to be encoded are éöÉÖ


function getAllArtists ($live) {
			// Create SQL statement
			$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM artists WHERE live = '%s';",
			// Trace the query in the NetConnection debugger
			// Run query on database
			$result = mysql_query($sql);
			$return = Array();
while($row=mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
				$row->last_updated = $this->datetime_mysql_to_mysoup($row->last_updated);
				array_push($return, $row);
			return $return;			