Variables from externally loaded txt

I m loading a external text file where i have some different variables. i need to use these variable in one my movieclip. to communicate with these variales i naming the dynamic text to _level0.n1, _level0.n2 and so on…
but this is not working.

If i dont load the external txt file and when i put those variable directly in the main timeline it works. Can anyone help.
lil urgent friends. :frowning:

thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

I don´t fully understand your question.

Do you have to have different variables in the same textfile?

yes friend,
i need almost 10 variables in one text file. i have no problem with multiple variables in one text file. all the variables are available in the main timeline but its not reaching the inner movieclips.;(

Ok I´ve never handled multuple variables in one textfield.

So the varibles don´t reach the MC or is it a loaded swf?

And your using loadVar right? Then you should just have to specify wich level och target to load the variables into.


If your swf is loaded into level 2 of your mainmovie:

[AS]loadVariablesNum(“textfile.txt”, 2);[/AS]

or into a target called container

[AS]loadVariables(“loadtxt.txt”, “container”);[/AS]

If it is an MC in your mainmovie that should get the variables call them from the MC and use the target comand _this

?[AS]loadVariables(“textfile.txt”, “_this”);[/AS]

Seems to be to easy but maybe that´s not what your looking for? Could you post your fla.